Sunday Morning

Hello Fellow Traveler 🙂

As I began to emerge from the tensions of a rough couple of weeks, I re-found my ability to deliberately tune into a better feeling, general frequency, at will.

Then I started to notice the surges of happiness and joy begin to break apart the emotional shields that were causing my lack of clarity, doubt, and the resultant diminished connection to my soul…

When Sunday Morning rolled around, I felt an inner calling to take my breakfast to the beach to eat.

So I did…

Mantra For Vertigo

So you suffer from Vertigo? Then make use of my Mantra For Vertigo, and give yourself a bit of a tune up.

Hello Fellow Traveller 🙂

I’ve experienced vertigo before, and I’ve sought medical advice about it, but at the time, they didn’t have anything they could tell me that I hadn’t already found out for myself.

I did bit of research on the subject, but again, there was nothing there to help me do what was important to me, and that was to stop that infernal spinning.

T-shirt from Highway For Souls at Teepublic
You can shop this amazingly wonderful and spectacular looking TShirt at my Teepublic Store. Just click the image and you’ll be ‘magically’ transported to the correct page. 😀

So, I did what any ‘normal’ human would do…

I reacted to it by throwing an emotional tantrum about it! 🙂

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The Ebbs and Flows Of Life.

As I was driving today, I saw the beautiful pale moon hanging over a craggy mountain just before it began to set, and it was right in front of me for a good part of my drive, so I could really enjoy it for a while.

Wear it while you create your own Highway For Souls
This world has the power to constantly wow me with its beauty and diversity and with the constant ebbs and flows of life, and that just amazes me… Highway For Souls

I took a drink, and my breakfast, out to a table by the sea. There I saw some big ants, and they saw me. Then we ignored each other and I settled down to eat, and enjoy the warmth of the sun.

After a while, of sitting in that warm sunshine, it began to feel a little too warm to be in it for much longer, so I thought about finding some shade, and just as I was thinking that, I heard a Grey Nomad tell someone how cold it was, to someone on the phone.