Using Your Own Energy To Create Safety Bubbles.

By learning how to use your own energy to create safety bubbles when you need them, you’ll find that when you’re out and about in the world, you’ll always have this ability with you; readily available any time that you need it. It never costs anything, but a little bit of intention, a little bit of focus, and a few seconds of your time.

Hello Fellow Traveller 🙂

Hello Fellow Traveller Back Pack by HighwayForSouls
“Hello Fellow Traveller” We are all fellow travellers on our own journey’s of enlightenment.
Click the image to shop this design at my society6 store.

This is a great process to use when you begin to experience overwhelm, anxiety, and/or when you’re feeling like you’re too tuned in to those around you to be able to hold your own energies around other people.

Hare In A Snow Storm Print by HighwayForSouls
“Hare In A Snow Storm” A representation of the world and its energies.
Click the image to shop this design at my society6 store.

When you are in the company of others and you feel like you are being drained, and/or pulled into their energies, and/or moods, the best thing you can do is to pull your own energies back into your body, and hold them there, seeing yourself as standing in the centre of it, effectively becoming an observer of what other people might be doing in that moment, instead of creating an emotional presence with a situation you don’t like, or don’t want to participate in.

We are all energy translators, and when you become aware of your own energies and what is happening with them, you’ll realise that you actually send out ‘energy feelers’ when we are get close enough to others. It’s an automatic thing, and it happens whether we are aware of it or not.

For someone who is not aware, you’ll probably find that you’ll catch someone else’s bad mood, or sadness, or anger, and even happiness, without knowing why.

When you start to become aware, you’ll probably notice what you’re doing with your own energies before you notice that others are automatically doing it too.

Either way, it’s a good idea to learn to hold your own energies close to and within your body at will. It’ll give you the ability to become more of an observer, and it’ll be less likely that you’ll become an unwilling participant in things outside of your control.

Anyway, we are ever expanding beings, so we might always come across someone, or some situation, that triggers us into the kind of energetic free fall that results in becoming too emotionally affected by things we’d rather not be affected by. So, this is a really handy process to have on hand; just in case.

How To Use Your Own Energy To Create Safety Bubbles.

Essence Back Pack by Highway For Souls
“Essence” That essential core of who you are. Your soul, and your presence in this world.
Click the image to shop this design at my society6 store.

♥ Close your eyes and feel/look at the feeling/s inside you.

♥ Breathe in while you continue to look, and then as you’re breathing out, use your mind to step backwards out of it and watch it shoot off into the distance.

♥ Notice the feeling of vacated space that this has created within you and shift your focus to soul, or your inner presence, and allow it to expand until you are fully inside a bubble of your own energy.

♥ Hold it for a little while while you regain your sense of self and you’re ready to move on.

♥ Reach for the feeling of safe haven inside your bubble, like you’ve created a little safe haven for you to rest in. A bit like hiding under the blankets, or sitting inside a fort, or a tent.

If I need it to last longer I’ll send out mental butterflies to patrol and maintain the borders, so to speak. So then you can just let them do their job while you go do yours.

I use butterflies because I like them, and they’re non-threatening. They might seem delicate but they’re tough enough to live their life in this world, stay true to who they are, and they’re sweethearts with a really short temper, so they’re always on the ball. 🙂

But you can use whatever is significant to you. You could even use a rampant army of stomp beetles, if that’s more your style.

Hey, nobody said they had to be a ‘real world’ thing! 🙂

Most of the time, you’ll enjoy results right away, but sometimes it might take a bit more practice. So don’t fret if you don’t succeed right away under all conditions, just keep practicing, it gets easier.

The Magic Of Thought Print by HighwayForSouls
“The Magic Of Thought” One of our superpowers is what we can do with our thinking when we focus.
Click the image to shop this design at my society6 store.

And remember to take extra special care of yourself when you need to.

Do What You Love Coffee Mug by HighwayForSouls
“Do What You Love” and raise your vibration, and detect changes to your energies fast enough to do something about it in the moment.
Click the image to shop this design at my society6 store.

With as much love and joy and well-being and freedom, and abundance, and fun, as possible; always…
