Mantra For Vertigo

So you suffer from Vertigo? Then make use of my Mantra For Vertigo, and give yourself a bit of a tune up.

Hello Fellow Traveller 🙂

I’ve experienced vertigo before, and I’ve sought medical advice about it, but at the time, they didn’t have anything they could tell me that I hadn’t already found out for myself.

I did bit of research on the subject, but again, there was nothing there to help me do what was important to me, and that was to stop that infernal spinning.

T-shirt from Highway For Souls at Teepublic
You can shop this amazingly wonderful and spectacular looking TShirt at my Teepublic Store. Just click the image and you’ll be ‘magically’ transported to the correct page. 😀

So, I did what any ‘normal’ human would do…

I reacted to it by throwing an emotional tantrum about it! 🙂

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