I’ve discovered that my so called ‘writing style’ is to be bombarded with really cool ideas in no particular order, although I can order them later. The story seems to come out through the chaos in my head via tiny cracks that allow seemingly random trickles to escape the mayhem and come into my awareness.
Wow what a convoluted way of saying I get snippets. Random bloody snippets.
As I was driving today, I saw the beautiful pale moon hanging over a craggy mountain just before it began to set, and it was right in front of me for a good part of my drive, so I could really enjoy it for a while.
I took a drink, and my breakfast, out to a table by the sea. There I saw some big ants, and they saw me. Then we ignored each other and I settled down to eat, and enjoy the warmth of the sun.
After a while, of sitting in that warm sunshine, it began to feel a little too warm to be in it for much longer, so I thought about finding some shade, and just as I was thinking that, I heard a Grey Nomad tell someone how cold it was, to someone on the phone.