The Expanding Universe.
The universe is expanding. Scientists have proven it, and I’ve read somewhere that there are predictions that it will contract again and that will end it. Although if that big bang theory is correct, then that would make the universe like some kind of gigantic balloon, or something. Especially to someone as uneducated on the subject as I am. 🙂
But the whole idea of the Universe expanding and contracting, and contracting to it’s death is the way that I have interpreted this idea, at least I’ve considered it.
I love the mysterious nature of the big bang. What caused it? Why did it happen? When did it happen, Oh you know that already, right? It just doesn’t make sense unless you cop to the idea of thought and tipping points and all of the things that that implies.
Now, I’m off with the pixies, fairies, dragons, butterflies and I have been known to romanticise the wombats out of life, probably too much at times. Although how that could be even possible eludes me! 🙂
Anyway, I also have this mile wide practical streak which probably stemmed from the fact that I had eight kids, a couple of step kids, and everything that went with that, to develop that. Fairies are great for fun, generating possibility and wonder at them, but it’s not much good for getting meals on the table, tackling that volcanic mountain of washing that never seemed to stop erupting, and the other things that the things in this wonderful life of ours can generate.
Being practical gets shit done in life, being visionary, a dreamer, opens you up to the wonder and possibility that perhaps that shit isn’t all there is to us and our life long journey.
I’m a firm believer in both, and I have a firm foot hold in both, most of the time, so I can get shit done and dream big, create big, and mostly have fun doing it.
I haven’t actually dressed up as a fairy. Not yet anyway. I once put my hair in pigtails. Really high, little piggie tails. It wasn’t pretty, and judging by the looks of shock, surprise, horror that were quickly masked, and the outright tear producing laughter, plus the strong urgings to take them out and never put them in again, I don’t suppose dressing up like a fairy would do much for me either.
Still, I digress, and I’m likely to again.
So, back to our wonderful ever expanding universe.
Rather than just assume that there once was a nothing, and then there was this big explosive event caused by some unknown thing within that nothing, and that’s how our universe came to be, and it’s the truth so far; so accept it; let’s think about this.
What if that Big Bang, wasn’t just the birth of our Universe, but the event that caused it also caused the same thing to happen to an uncountable number of them? What if the universe isn’t just expanding because of the explosive event? What if the Universe isn’t one stand alone thing? This is a concept that just doesn’t make sense, because; what’s outside of it then?
Is there even an outside?
What if the expansion is actually an inhalation? What if our universe is just one tiny part of another whole, other, form of life, and the big bang was it’s first breath at birth?
Perhaps that life form could be another type of humanoid and it’s so much larger than we are that we can’t perceive it, see it, except possibly in those probing alien visions and abductions that a few seem to experience… or at least remember experiencing. That thought not only boggles the mind, but makes you want to shut down and never compute again!
Digressed again didn’t I?
The inhalation theory would mean that the Big Bang was the moment the extremely large creature breathed for the first time. That our existence rides on the first breath of a baby being. One that, hopefully is cared for and nurtured in ways that enable it to grow into a mindful, beautiful being, that knows it’s power so it never needs to shape up, or overpower.
Anyway, digression may be the new name of this post.
When that baby being exhales, it won’t exhale to the point of death for this universe, it’ll just contract again before it expands again, and unless something goes wrong, life still has infinite possibility for us, at least from our perspective. I mean the first breath has lasted for many billions of years so far, and who knows for how many billions more it will go on before it begins to shift into exhale mode. Perhaps we are a microscopic organism to those larger beings who are so large that we can’t perceive them nor see them, in much the same way as the trillions of microorganisms that make up and inhabit our own bodies are to us.
So, what if my new big bang theory is actually true? How would that change our perceptions of life? What would that mean about how we live our lives? How we treat ourselves and our environment? Would that mean that if we, intelligently, allow unfettered destruction to be our thing, would that make us a disease cell in an otherwise healthy really big being baby’s body? Do we have enough intelligence to adapt quickly enough before the white corpuscles come to get us?
Now I’m just being ridiculous!
How would it change scientific understanding? Our understanding of our own bodies? The nature of the universe? Black holes? Nebulae? Star Trek? (With particular emphasis on the intro.)
Oh, that rabbit hole, or would that be a worm hole… ewww!
Ok, enough of that, this is degrading into something unbloggable, but before I go…
Please note: I can be full of shit sometimes, just as much as the rest of you, maybe more, so please don’t listen to me, or take me too seriously, it might warp your brain and your perspective of life, and we wouldn’t want that to happen; would we?
And, whilst I wrote this, mostly, with tongue in cheek, I do have to be careful because I once thought that a thought, once thought, could think for itself! Which, I thought I was joking about, but later found out that it’s actually, apparently, true!
Oh the possibilities are endless, and it can be so much fun, but don’t forget your life. Put the washing on and peg it out to dry, make a meal for yourself, take care of you and yours, and dream on fellow traveller.
With as much fun, and love, and joy, and well-being, and freedom, and abundance as possible, always…
PS: I can’t believe that the new big bang theory is a baby! 😉