The Ebbs and Flows Of Life.

I guessed they were from interstate.

After breakfast, I decided to walk along the beach. I saw, literally, thousands of stones, but only hundreds caught my eye. And, only about thirty of them ended up in my pockets.

Then I took some time to marvel at how, as I stood on the beach, the waves were so gentle and quiet in the place where I stood, yet not so just up the sand a little.

After a while, I sat on a huge stone amongst some even huger beach boulders, and I wrote for a little while, occasionally swiping at my feet to keep the sand fly from making a meal out of me.

I pretty much had the beach to myself, and I could think, and I could breathe, and relax knowing that this was like a time out of time for me. I didn’t have anywhere to be for a few hours, and when I felt the urge to leave, it was about an hour later than I thought it might have been!

And somewhere in all of that, I realised that this world has the power to constantly wow me with its beauty and diversity and with the constant ebbs and flows of life, and that just amazes me.

Until next time…

With as much love, and joy, and well-being, and freedom, and abundance, as possible; always…
