It carries you on the flow,
Of a buoyant life.
Even adrift among shadows,
That torment the light.
It’s able to break a way through,
Those darkened tawny streaks,
And guide you beyond,
Into places soul deep.
No more torment by shadows,
Nor frosted dreams fallen by the wayside,
(Obviously preoccupied beyond belief,
Seeking and searching and grasping,
At relief.)
Like water,
Will flow anywhere it can reach!
Even if you lay beneath a lilac moon,
Overshadowed by sharp shards of light,
An inner storm,
That penetrates any peace.
One single drop will create a space,
And lay it within ripples,
Of far-reaching reach!
And, you know that you are a living symphony,
Of love and of light,
But behold!
You are also a most precious sound;
A tune amidst a melody,
You are one who could be likened to a deep tranquil sea,
But who’s depths could never fathom your own,
Nor touch your freedom to be,
And added to all that,
You get to run off and create your dreams…
With as much fun, and love, and joy, and well-being, and freedom, and abundance, as possible; always!