The essence inside,
The myriad of things,
That go way beyond,
The feeling that fuels wanting,
Flowing within everything,
And it settles into clarity,
Of form;
By formation.
A serenity,
A peace,
To lay at the base,
Of the frenetic flow,
Of the have’s,
And the ‘have been’s’.
And the knowing,
That essence is the basis,
Of all things.
The essential,
The essence,
Begins to come through,
Before the singularity ,
Ever has the chance to bud,
And flower,
And bloom the almost tangible,
Into more.
The feeling first arrives,
Lays itself upon you,
Upon your life,
Waiting to see what you think,
Your reaction to it.
Do you accept it?
Or do you prefer something more?
Or something else?
Sometimes it’s fleeting,
Sometimes elusive,
Subtle ,
And sometimes…
Loud and clear!
However it comes,
It’ll beam on steadily,
So that you will find your way,
Towards it,
Until you can ‘hear’ it,
Without your ears.
Feel it,
Without your touch.
And until you have no problem,
Following its call.
With as much fun, and love, and joy, and well-being, and freedom, and abundance, as possible; always!